Turnkey flood analysis modeling
Capability Overview
The overview focuses on the following key water monitoring areas of Water Breach Hazard Location Identification, Erosion Modeling, Flood Modeling and Mitigation Design Support Modeling.
Our services options are flexible and recognize that each customer’s needs vary based on what data and modeling they already have and what they specifically need. We can also provide custom services beyond those outlined herein on request.
Headline Value Deliverables
1.Utilize available Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) to analyze an area to identify flooding breach points, hazard location identification, and resulting flooded areas for given water levels above MSL.
2.Where multiple historic DEMs area available, we can analyze those DEMs to identify shoreline changes over time and provide X,Y and Z data relating to any changes including rates of change to be used for future predictive modeling.
3.For flooding breach points or areas of customer concern, we can capture up to date and very detailed LIDAR scans of those areas and create a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with 0.5 meter grid to refine the analysis and deliverables outlined in 1 and 2 above to support detailed breach point mitigation correction design, and provide very detailed flood predictions based on specific water levels, including what-if updated flood analysis based on assumption of breach point corrective actions.
4. Where appropriate, DSAS shore breakline modeling including long-term shoreline change predictions based on 4 time-based data sets including the most recent or current shoreline data set acquired using concurrent LIDAR and optical data.
•Digital Elevation Models (DEM) commonly have elevation grids between 1 and 30 meters though these may differ depending on the type of DEM.
•Digital Terrain Models (DTM) commonly have terrain grids at 0.5 meters that provide for refined modeling.